Monthly Archives: July 2015

Eye in the Sky

As I enter the grocery store and glance up at the video surveillance monitor, I experience 2 emotions.  First, a feeling of security in knowing that no one is getting out of here without paying for that head of lettuce.  And second, a feeling of insecurity as I can clearly see how far my hair loss has progressed.

Money Trouble

I have an unhealthy relationship with money.  No matter how much loose change I eat it’s never enough.  Some people can stop on a dime – not me.  My family has granted me no quarter.  It has cost me a pretty penny in medical bills, plus I think I’m dying of nickel poisoning.

Home Invasion

Last night I came home to find my apartment in total disarray.  I called the police to report the break-in and they said they’d be right over.  I quickly cleaned and dusted my entire place as I couldn’t bear the thought of having house guests the way things currently looked.

New Age Ants

I have a flying ant problem in my apartment.  I sprayed them with a solution of peppermint oil and soapy water.  It actually worked.  Never has aromatherapy and a bubble bath been so deadly.

Cat Skin

The saying goes, “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.”  That may be true.  But no matter how you do it, you’re gonna want to wear gloves.

’70s Singer/Songwriter

My favorite ’70s singer/songwriter is now back on tour with a new album.  This guy disappeared from the music scene for years, converted to Islam, and adopted a Muslim name.  Of course, I am speaking of Yusuf James Taylor.

Wish List

Today I made 3 wishes.  First, I wished for 6-pack abs.  Secondly, I wished for huge biceps.  And thirdly, I wished for a new physical trainer because I’m not getting the results I want from my fairy godmother.